Codes and Scripts at your Fingertips
Creating beautiful websites is no longer the monopoly of techies. Now, with web designing codes made available through the Internet, anyone can dabble into the exciting world of web development and web design.
During the early years of the Internet, only a handful of people were capable of developing a blank webpage into a site that not only attracted a new breed of surfers, but conveyed the company’s thrust at one glance. These people, called developers had a world of their own. They were wrapped in an air of modern day algorithmic mysticism that seemed impenetrable to mere mortals. Could these two groups meet? How could they? No one dared question their logic; no one dared go against their designs. Why not? HTML codes and CSS scripts were not part of the ordinary man’s vocabulary - at least, not until recently.
With the Internet becoming more and more readily available to everyone, it is but natural for a man with an inquisitive mind, to explore the nuances of this technological craze. They probably started playing around with fonts, discovering ways to italicize, underline even bold face texts using simple codes, in their email correspondences. Following this trend were the ubiquitous web logs or blogs. These blogs were initially personal journals that people maintained to document the goings on in their lives. Being personal journals, people wanted to design it in such a way that it easily reflected their beings, and since these were for their personal consumption, blog owners took it upon themselves to learn the intricacies of basic web design and development.
The entry of blogs in the online world sparked a renewed interest in the internet, most specifically in web design. Books and magazines that featured web design codes and scripts were being gobbled up by the consumer. These strange characters no longer frightened them. People now absorbed and understood this new language just like a dry sponge absorbs water. To answer the growing needs of a new industry, these codes became readily available on the Internet.
From blogs, the logical progression would be on to actual web-sites. Once equipped with the basic knowledge on web design, the task of actually working on a web site no longer seemed so daunting. People who grew adept with internet codes through their blogs gradually ventured out into designing more complex internet websites. They had the fundamental skills. If they needed something more, a more elaborate design for pop-up ads, drop down menus, a rotating banner, and other website promotional tools, they could easily get the required code through the internet and easily insert this in the entire html (or css) script.
Today, more and more websites focus on providing html and css codes to a still growing number of web design enthusiasts. Some provide the codes for a small fee, yet others readily give these out free of charge. Not only do they provide codes and scripts, these sites also give readers instructions on how and where to insert these into the web template. In addition to these, some sites even have on-line forums where newbies and techies can share their web-design problems and valuable tips to other aspiring web-designers.
Today, web design is no longer the exclusive domain of techies - athough the more complicated codes are still left to the experts. It’s really amazing that the technology that alienated the web design gods from the web design mortals is the same one that brought these two together.
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